NinjaBot: Getting Started

NinjaBot: Getting Started


Getting Started With NinjaBot

Adding NinjaBot

To add NinjaBot to your Discord Server, you'll need to use one of two links to get started.

To use NinjaBot as a general purpose bot, and not use any of the administrative command functionality, you can use this link.

To use NinjaBot as a bot that can also perform some administrative tasks (kicking/banning users, and managing messages), you can use this link.

You'll need to have the Manage Server permission yourself in order to use those links to add the bot to your server.

Discover Commands

While the primary purpose of NinjaBot was originally commands for World of Warcraft and Rocket League(coming soon!), there are some other commands you can use that range from having some fun, to server administration.

You can always use !help to get general help, as well as check out the following posts: 


Has something gone terribly wrong, or just isn't working quite right? You can get help for NinjaBot in the following places:

Feature Enhancements/Requests

General Help

NinjaBot is Down!

NinjaBot: General Commands

NinjaBot: General Commands

General Commands

Away System

NinjaBot has an away system. You can use it to set yourself as away, with a message. If anyone @mentions you while you're away, they will be notified that you're away, and display the message you have set.

Setting Yourself as Away

To set yourself as away, use:

!away message



Setting Yourself as Back

To set yourself as back, use:



Giphy Commands

NinjaBot can access Giphy, and display random gifs! 

Toggling Giphy


  • This command requires that the user using the command is at least able to kick people on the discord server. This is in place to ensure that a random person on the server can't be changing this setting.

To toggle Giphy on/off, use:


Using Giphy

To display a random image, use:


To display a random image based on a search term, use:

!giphy search term


Server Note System

NinjaBot has a note system that can associate a note with a discord server. A user with the base permission of being able to kick people in the discord server is required to set the note. Anyone can get the note that has been set.

Setting the Note


  • This command requires that the user using the command is at least able to kick people on the discord server. This is in place to ensure that a random person on the server can't be changing this setting.

To set the note, use:

!set-note note goes here


Getting the Note

To retrieve the note that has been set, use:



Other Commands

These commands are some random commands I have worked on that aren't really categorized elsewhere.

Define a Word

To get the definition of a word, use:

!define word

Using the Magic 8-Ball

To ask the 8-Ball a question, use:

!8ball question

Search YouTube

To search YouTube, use:

!ysearch search item

NinjaBot: Admin Commands

NinjaBot: Admin Commands

Admin Commands

User Join/Leave Notifications

NinjaBot can announce when someone joins and leaves your Discord server! The messages can also be customized to meet your needs.


  • All notification commands require that the user using the commands is at least able to kick people on the discord server. This is in place to ensure that a random person on the server can't be changing these settings.

Toggling Notifications

To turn greeting/leaving notifications on or off, use:


Note: This command will send the greetings to the channel they are turned on in. If you’ve turned them on in a channel you do not want greetings in, simply toggle it on in the channel you do want to see them in!


Customize Join Message

You can customize the message displayed when someone joins the server! To do this, use:

!set-join-message <message>


Customize Leave Message

You can also customize the message displayed when someone leaves your server. To do this, use:

!set-part-message <message>


Kicking Members

NinjaBot can kick members. To do this, the bot itself will need to have the correct permissions on your Discord server. If it does not, you will get a permissions related error message upon using the command. The user initiating the command will also need to have at least the Kick Member user permissions accordingly.

!kick user reason


kick with reason.png

Banning Members

NinjaBot can ban members. To do this, the bot itself will need to have the correct permissions on your Discord server. If it does not, you will get a permissions related error message upon using the command. The user initiating the command will also need to have at least the Ban Member user permissions accordingly.

!ban user reason



Change Prefix

There are a lot of other bots out there! If you’d like to change the prefix for NinjaBot commands, use the following:



!change-prefix +

Now NinjaBot will listen to commands prefixed with +.

NinjaBot: World of Warcraft Commands

NinjaBot: World of Warcraft Commands


World of Warcraft Commands

Associating Your Discord Server With a Guild on WoW

You can associate NinjaBot with your guild on WoW. A lot of the other commands will use the Discord server -> WoW guild association by default.

Setting guild association


  • This command requires that the user/issuer is at least able to kick members from the Discord server
    *reasoning* If the user can kick people, they can probably be trusted to change the bot's Discord server <-> WoW realm association

To associate your server with your guild in WoW, use the following command:
*Region currently can be either US/EU.

!set-guild realmname, guildname, region

Example 1 (us):

!set-guild azgalor, wheresmymoneyman

Example 2 (eu):

!set-guild silvermoon, rome in a day, eu

Getting guild association

To get the current server <-> guild association, use the following command:




Automatically Watch Logs From

NinjaBot can automatically post the latest report found from To enable this feature, simply type the following in the channel you'd like the logs auto-posted to:



Performing an Armory Lookup

NinjaBot can perform armory look ups. 

To look someone up, use

!armory charactername


!armory charactername realmname


!armory charactername realmname region

The command will first try to find someone that is in the guild that is associated with your Discord server. If there is no match there, it will then look for the top match in all of armory. Region can be either us or eu. For help on using the command, simply use !armory.

Example 1:

!armory oceanbr

(this will find oceanbreeze, as that is my character name, and it matches that based on the fact that I am member of the guild associated with my Discord server)

Example 2:

!armory swolja eonar

Example 3(eu)

!armory slaqua silvermoon eu

Getting Logs (Via

NinjaBot can get you the latest three parses from Warcraft Logs associated with your guild. This command (in its default state) also relies on the Discord server <-> WoW guild association.

To get the latest logs, use:



!logs realmname, guildname


!logs realmname, guildname, region

Region can be either us or eu.

Example 1:


(I doubt there are any for the guild I'm in, so below is the result of that)

Example 2:

!logs thunderlord, ur key ur carry

Example 3(eu):

!logs silvermoon, rome in a day, eu

Example 4 (personal logs by username):

!logs name gngrninja


NinjaBot can list the most commonly used items for crafting/raiding in the latest expansion. The command will perform a lookup based on the realm your Discord <-> guild association is set to.

To list out the auctions, use:

!wow auctions


!wow auctions realmname

Example 1:

!wow auctions

Example 2:

!wow auctions area-52

WoWProgress Rankings

NinjaBot can get rankings from WoWProgress.

To perform a lookup (which will use your Discord <-> guild association by default), use:

!wow rankings


!wow rankings realmname, guildname


!wow rankings realmname, guildname, region

Region can be either eu or us.

Example 1:

!wow rankings

Example 2:

!wow rankings destromath, deviant

Lookup Realm Information

NinjaBot can lookup information for a given realm.
This command will default to the region set with !set-guild.
To lookup a realm, use:

!realm-info realmname


!realm-info thunderlord

List a character's gear

To get started with the !gearlist command, you can simply type:


Example 1 (guild match):

!gearlist ocean

Example 2 (realm and name match):

!gearlist swolja eonar

Example 3 (eu)

!gearlist slaqua silvermoon eu

Top 10s from Warcraftlogs

NinjaBot can get the top 10 dps/hps from the latest raid. To get started, use:


Example (list):

!top10 list

Example (first fight, all from realm):

!top10 1

Example (first fight, guild only, normal):

!top10 1, guild, dps, normal

Raider IO Player Lookup

NinjaBot can lookup player information from Raider.IO.

Use the following command for help:


Example (for finding player gypsy):

!rpi gypsy
gypsy example.PNG

Raider IO Guild Lookup

To lookup your guild’s stats from Raider.IO, use:


M+ Affix Lookup

NinjaBot can lookup the current week’s affixes by using:
