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PowerShell: Using the VictorOps REST API and PRTG Sensor Output

PowerShell: Using the VictorOps REST API and PRTG Sensor Output

What's it do?

I utilized the VictorOps REST API with PowerShell to return data in a user readable format, or to use with PRTG sensors.

I wanted a way to display who was currently on call via a PRTG map that other users can publicly access.

Note: This is something I wrote in a day, and it will be evolving into a cleaner, error checked format!

What you'll need



  • ack               = List/ack any outstanding alerts. Will prompt for message and confirm before acknowledging.
  • OnCall         = List who is currently on call (must specify team with -team parameter) (compatible with -format parameter and PRTG sensors)
  • UserSched  = Get a user's oncall schedule. Currently best to return this into your own variable for now. (Must specify -user parameter)
  • Upcoming   = See who is on call for a team in the future. (must specify team with -team parameter)
  • Incident       = List all incidents (compatible with -format parameter and PRTG sensors)


  • Specify the name of the team. If you have not setup the switch information later in this script, do so to ensure it lines up.


  • Specify the username you're getting info for.


  • Specify 'prtg' for certain -getInfo parameters and it will dump it as PRTG sensor information. Leave blank or specify 'user' to return a human readable response. Use 'raw' to return the raw API data. It would be best to call this script into a variable when doing this. $rawAPI = .\Script-Name.ps1 -getInfo 'oncall' -team 'teamname' -format 'raw' 


Here is some example output.

 .\Get-VictorOpsInfo.ps1 -getInfo incidents
.\Get-VictorOpsInfo.ps1 -getInfo incidents -format prtg

Setting it up

You'll need your API Key and ID from VictorOps. Once you have that, be sure to set them in the script.

$apiKey = ''
$apiID= ''

You can generate a key in VictorOps by going to "Settings -> API."

Be sure to change this switch to match your team setup in VictorOps.

Switch ($team) {

{$team -like "*team1*"}{

$teamName ='team1name'


{$team -like "*team2*"} {

$teamName = 'team2name'



Your username will be set to the username you're logged into the machine with. This is important to note as it sends username when you use the script to ack alerts. To change this, edit the following (you'll want to do this if your username does not match the one in VictorOps):

$ackUser = (Get-ChildItem ENV:\USERNAME).Value 

PRTG Setup

To use this and report info into PRTG, setup the script and ensure Quest AD PowerShell tools are installed on the PRTG machine. 

  1. Drop the script in your Custom Sensor folder (Example: D:\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXEXML\)
  2. Setup an "EXE/Script Advanced" sensor on PRTG and name it something like "VictorOps Incidents". Select the script in the drop-down.
  3. In the settings specify the following parameters: -getInfo incidents -format PRTG


You can also setup a sensor for team on call reporting.
To do this, perform the above steps, but specify the parameters -getInfo OnCall -team unix -format prtg. 

That will return a sensor that returns a text message of who is on call with their phone number (pulled from AD).

You can then create a map in PRTG of who is on call that can be provided publicly. To get the on call info use the "Status Icons -> Sensor Message only" Properties in the PRTG map builder.

Scanning Interval

Be sure to change the scanning interval in PRTG to something that makes sense. There probably isn't a reason to keep it at every minute, so change it!

The code

   This script utilizes the VictorOps API to return requested information.
   This script can be used in various ways. This implementation returns data and interacts with the API to ack alerts. 
   It can also return values which can be used by PRTG sensors.
   Variable structure:
    $apiKey       = Your Victor OPs API Key   
    $apiID        = Your Victor OPs API ID
    $baseURL      = The base URL for the VictorOPs API. You shouldn't need to change this. 
    $acceptheader = "application/json" - this default should be fine
    The below information is gathered using the above variables.
    $headers = @{ 
    'Accept'       = $acceptheader
    'X-VO-Api-Id'  = $apiID
    'X-VO-Api-Key' = $apiKey    
    For more info on the VictorOps API, visit
    Specify the information you'd like returned or action to take.
    ack       = List/ack any outstanding alerts
    OnCall    = List who is currently on call (must specify team with -team parameter) (compatible with -format parameter and PRTG sensors)
    UserSched = Get a user's oncall schedule. Best to return this into your own variable for now. (Must specify -user parameter)
    Upcoming  = See who is on call for a team in the future. (must speficy team with -team parameter)
    Incident  = List all incidents (compatible with -format parameter and PRTG sensors)
    Specify the name of the team. If you have not setup the switch information later in this script, do so to ensure it lines up.
    Specify the username you're getting info for.

    Specify 'prtg' for certain -getInfo parameters and it will dump it as PRTG sensor information.
    Leave blank or specify 'user' to return a human readable response.
    Use 'raw' to return the raw API data. It would be best to call this script into a variable when doing this. $rawAPI = .\Script-Name.ps1 -getInfo 'oncall' -team 'teamname' -format 'raw' 
    Name: Get-VictorOpsInfo.ps1
    Author: Ginger Ninja (Mike Roberts)
    DateCreated: 1/28/16
    .\Get-VictorOpsInfo.ps1 -getInfo OnCall -team unix
    .\Get-VictorOpsInfo.ps1 -getInfo ack
    $getInfo = 'notset',
    $format = 'user'

if (!((Get-PSSnapin -name "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement" -ea SilentlyContinue).name -eq "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement")) {
        Write-Host `n"Loading Quest Active Directory Tools Snapin..."`n -ForegroundColor $foregroundColor
        Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement | Out-Null
    }  if(!$?) {

        Write-Host `n"You need to install Quest Active Directory Tools Snapin from"`n -ForegroundColor Red

        Start-Process ""

$scriptName   = $myInvocation.MyCommand
$path         = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$apiKey       = 'yourAPIKey'
$apiID        = 'Your API ID'
$baseURL      = '' 
$acceptheader = "application/json"

$headers = @{
    'Accept'       = $acceptheader
    'X-VO-Api-Id'  = $apiID
    'X-VO-Api-Key' = $apiKey

function Get-OnCallSchedule {

    $fullURL = $baseURL + $onCallURL
    if ($fullURL) {
        $onCallSchedule = Invoke-RestMethod $fullURL -Headers $headers
    return $onCallSchedule

function Get-Incident {
    $incidentURL     = '/api-public/v1/incidents'
    $fullURL         = $baseURL + $incidentURL
    $onCallIncidents = (Invoke-RestMethod $fullURL -Headers $headers).Incidents

    Return $onCallIncidents

function Resolve-Incident {
    param ($baseURL)

    $incidents = Get-Incident $baseURL
    $i = 0
    #Switch for current phase?
    foreach ($in in $incidents) {
        if ($in.currentPhase -like 'UNACKED') {
            $ackURL  = "/api-public/v1/incidents/ack"
            $fullURL = $baseURL + $ackURL
            Write-Host $in.EntityDisplayName
            Write-Host $in.incidentNumber
            $inName = $in.EntityDisplayName
            $inNum  = $in.incidentNumber
            Write-Host $fullURL
            if ((Read-Host "Ack this alert?") -like "*y*") {       
                $ackUser = (Get-ChildItem ENV:\USERNAME).Value  
                $ackMsg  = Read-Host "Ack message?"    
                $outputString = $null
                $outputString = "{
                `"userName`": `"$ackUser`",
                `"incidentNames`": [
                `"message`": `"$ackMsg`"

                Invoke-RestMethod -URi $fullURL -Method Patch -contentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -body $outputString
            } elseif ($in.currentPhase -like 'ACKED') {
                $ackURL  = "/api-public/v1/incidents/resolve"
                $fullURL = $baseURL + $ackURL
                Write-Host $in.EntityDisplayName
                Write-Host $in.incidentNumber
                $inName = $in.EntityDisplayName
                $inNum  = $in.incidentNumber
                if ((Read-Host "Resolve this alert?") -like "*y*") {       
                    $ackUser = (Get-ChildItem ENV:\USERNAME).Value  
                    $ackMsg  = Read-Host "Resolution message?"    
                    $outputString = $null
                    $outputString = "{
                    `"userName`": `"$ackUser`",
                    `"incidentNames`": [
                    `"message`": `"$ackMsg`"

                    Invoke-RestMethod -URi $fullURL -Method Patch -contentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -body $outputString
    if ($i -eq 0) { Write-Host "No alerts to ack or resolve!" }

Switch ($team) {
    {$team -like "*team1*"}  {
        $teamName ='team1fullname'

    {$team -like "*team2*"} {
        $teamName = 'team2fullname'

Switch ($getInfo) {
    {$_ -like "OnCall"} {
        if (!$team) {Write-Host `n"Team not specified!"`n -foregroundcolor Red;break}
        $onCallURL      = "/api-public/v1/team/$teamName/oncall/schedule"
        $onCallSchedule = Get-OnCallSchedule $baseurl $oncallurl  
        if (!$onCallSchedule.Schedule.overrideOnCall) {
            $onCallUser     = Get-QADuser $onCallSchedule.Schedule.onCall
        } else {
             $onCallUser     = Get-QADuser $onCallSchedule.Schedule.overrideOnCall
        if ($onCallUser) {
            $name   = $onCallUser.Name
            $mobile =  $onCalluser.MobilePhone
            Switch ($format) {
                {$_ -eq 'user'} {
                    Write-Host `n"Currently on call for team: $team"
                    Write-Host $name "($mobile)"`n
                {$_ -eq 'prtg'} {
                    Write-Host "<prtg>"                     
                    "<channel>Team: $team</channel>"
                    "<text>$name ($mobile)</text>"
                    Write-Host "</prtg>"
                {$_ -eq 'raw'} {
                    Return $onCallSchedule
  {$_ -like "*Upcoming*"} {

        if (!$team) {Write-Host `n"Team not specified!"`n -foregroundcolor Red;break}
        $onCallURL      = "/api-public/v1/team/$teamName/oncall/schedule"
        $onCallSchedule = Get-OnCallSchedule $baseurl $oncallurl  
        $upcoming       = $onCallSchedule.schedule.rolls
        $upcoming | ForEach-Object{$WeekOf = $_.change.SubString(0,10);$Who = (Get-QADUser $_.OnCall).Name; Write-Host $WeekOf $Who}
  {$_ -like "*incidents*"} {
        $incidents = Get-Incident $baseURL
        #Maybe make this a switch...
        $unAcked   = $incidents | Where-Object{$_.currentPhase -eq 'UNACKED'}
        $unRes     = $incidents | Where-Object{$_.currentPhase -eq 'ACKED'}
        $resAlerts = $incidents | Where-Object{$_.currentPhase -eq 'RESOLVED'}
        if ($unAcked) {
            $counta = 1
            if ($unAcked.Count) {$counta = $unAcked.Count}
            $texta    = $unAcked.entityDisplayName 
        } else {$counta = 0;$texta = "No alarms in VictorOps!" }
        if ($unRes) {
            $countr = 1
            if ($unRes.Count) {$countr = $unRes.Count}
            $texta    = "Alert list: " + $unRes.entityDisplayName 
        } else {$countr = 0}  
        if ($resAlerts) {
            $countre = 1
            if ($resAlerts.Count) {$countre = $resAlerts.Count} 
        } else {$countre = 0}          
        Switch ($format) {
            {$_ -eq 'prtg'} {
                Write-Host "<prtg>"    
                "<channel>Unacknowledged Alerts</channel>"
                "<channel>Unresolved Alerts</channel>"
                "<channel>Resolved Alerts</channel>"
                Write-Host "</prtg>"        
            {$_ -eq 'user'} {
                Write-Host `n"Unacknowledged Alerts" 
                Write-Host `t$counta `n -foregroundcolor Red
                Write-Host "List:"`n
                foreach ($alert in $unAcked) {
                   Write-Host `t $alert.entityDisplayName `n
                Write-Host "Unresolved Alerts" 
                Write-Host `t$countr `n -foregroundcolor Red

                Write-Host "List:"`n
                foreach ($alert in $unRes) {
                   Write-Host `t $alert.entityDisplayName `n

                Write-Host "Resolved Alerts" 
                Write-Host `t$countre`n -foregroundcolor Green
                Write-Host "List:"`n
                foreach ($alert in $resAlerts) {
                   Write-Host `t $alert.entityDisplayName `n
            {$_ -eq 'raw'} {
                Return $incidents 

  {$_ -like "*usersched*"} {
        if ($user) {
            $onCallURL      = "/api-public/v1/user/$user/oncall/schedule"
            $onCallSchedule = Get-OnCallSchedule $baseurl $oncallurl
            Return $onCallSchedule

        } else {Write-Host `n"User not specified!"`n -foregroundcolor Red}
  {$_ -like "ack"} {
      Resolve-Incident $baseURL
  {$_ -eq 'notset'} {
      Write-Host `n"Please specify the action you'd like to take via the -getInfo parameter" -foregroundColor Red
      Write-Host "For help type Get-Help $path\$scriptName"`n

Have any ideas on how to use this, or general feedback? Leave a comment!