Getting Started - Creating Custom Objects

Welcome to my Getting Started with Windows PowerShell series!

What Are Custom Objects in PowerShell?

Everything we work with in PowerShell is an object in one way or another. A simple string is an object with the type of [System.String], using Get-Process returns objects with the type of [System.Diagnostics.Process], and using Get-ChildItem returns objects with the type [System.IO.FileInfo]

We can see that, here.

Custom objects are objects we create to collect data we want to collect. They can be comprised of objects from other datasets, arrays, and commands. Anything we can do in PowerShell can be fed into a custom object.

While we can create any type of object, from COM objects to objects based on .NET classes, we'll be focusing on the PSCustomObject. PSCustomObject is a .NET class [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject].

Why Create Custom Objects?

So that's nice... we can create custom objects, but why do it? Simple... output. In PowerShell it is best to keep your output from scripts and functions as objects you create or handle.  This allows for better readability and re-use. 

That way you can collect information, and iterate through it with built in commands such as Select-Object and Where-Object.

Since we can add anything to a custom object, from any other object/source in PowerShell, it can also be used as a method to organize information.

Let's take a look at a few example of creating custom objects.

Creating Custom Objects

Below I will be creating custom objects using various methods. It is important to understand that there isn't necessarily a best way to do anything in PowerShell. At the end of the day, the best way is the way that gets the job done for you.

However, I tend to gravitate towards methods that are easy for people looking at my scripts to interpret. This applies even when I'm looking at my own scripts! If I'm tired, and looking at some of my code, the last thing I need to do is try to figure out what I was doing based on code that isn't that easy to read.

Feel free to follow along! Open up the ISE and save a file to C:\PowerShell named part12.ps1. I will use the following code each time an example executes:

$adminPasswordStatus = $null
$thermalState        = $null
$osInfo              = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem
$computerInfo        = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem
$diskInfo            = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk

Switch ($computerInfo.AdminPasswordStatus) {

    0 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Disabled'}
    1 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Enabled'}

    2 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Not Implemented'} 

    3 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Unknown'}

    Default {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Unable to determine'}


Switch ($computerInfo.ThermalState) {

    1 {$thermalState = 'Other'}

    2 {$thermalState = 'Unknown'}

    3 {$thermalState = 'Safe'}

    4 {$thermalState = 'Warning'} 

    5 {$thermalState = 'Critical'}

    6 {$thermalState = 'Non-recoverable'}

    Default {$thermalState = 'Unable to determine'}


Be sure to include the code above with any example you want to try in the ISE.

New-Object With Add-Member

With this method the first thing we'll do is create the object with the New-Object command, and store the object in a variable. Then we'll pipe the object to the Add-Member command. Add-Member will add the properties or methods we specify to the object we create.

We'll be using the MemberType of NoteProperty, and then give names to the properties (the names are whatever we want them to be). It's good to make them make sense! Then, finally, we'll define the Value as whatever expression we need to. In this case we'll use the some of the variables above. If you're following along and didn't catch what we have in the variables, check the summary below.

$computerInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem.
$osInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem.
$diskInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk.

Here's the code:

$ourObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject 

$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $computerInfo.Name
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OS -Value $osInfo.Caption
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'OS Version' -Value $("$($osInfo.Version) Build $($osInfo.BuildNumber)")
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Domain -Value $computerInfo.Domain
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Workgroup -Value $computerInfo.Workgroup
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DomainJoined -Value $computerInfo.Workgroup
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Disks -Value $diskInfo
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AdminPasswordStatus -Value $adminPasswordStatus
$ourObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ThermalState -Value $thermalState

Now let's run that, and then type $ourObject to see what our object contains.

That worked! We created an object, which contains information from all three sources. We can type $ourObject.Disks to see what is contained there.

Hashtable Using Add Method

Now let's take a look at using a hashtable to add our properties and values to the custom object. A hashtable is a collection of keys that have names with associated values.

For this example I will create the hashtable, and then call its Add method to add the pairs of data (separated by a comma). With this method we will actually create the object last, as we'll be adding the hashtable of properties and values to it when we create it.

If you're following along and didn't catch what we have in the variables, check the summary below.

$computerInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem.
$osInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem.
$diskInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk.

Here's the code:

[hashtable]$objectProperty = @{}

$objectProperty.Add('OS Version',$("$($osInfo.Version) Build $($osInfo.BuildNumber)"))

$ourObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $objectProperty

Now let's see what $ourObject contains.

The code looks cleaner, but notice the order of the properties! It's not in the order we created the hashtable in. With Add-Member we were able to add each property, and it would keep the order we added them in.

That's not really a big deal, though! Since PowerShell has the nifty Select-Object command, we have an easy way to re-order the object.  

Let's try:

$ourObject | Select-Object ComputerName,OS,'OS Version',Domain,Workgroup,DomainJoined,AdminPasswordStatus,ThermalState,Disks

There we go, the order is as we want it now. Note that this will work to re-order any object you pass to it, and this can really come in handy.

Ordered Hashtable

!NOTE! Using this method is only supported in PowerShell version 3.0+

In this example I will declare the hashtable all at once, and then add the hashtable to the custom object we create. I will also use an ordered hashtable, so we can see how those work. That should allow us to keep the order of the properties correctly in the object. 

Here's the code:

$objectProperty = [ordered]@{

    ComputerName        = $computerInfo.Name
    OS                  = $osInfo.Caption
    'OS Version'        = $("$($osInfo.Version) Build $($osInfo.BuildNumber)")
    Domain              = $computerInfo.Domain
    Workgroup           = $computerInfo.Workgroup
    DomainJoined        = $computerInfo.PartOfDomain
    Disks               = $diskInfo
    AdminPasswordStatus = $adminPasswordStatus
    ThermalState        = $thermalState


$ourObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $objectProperty


Let's run this [F5], and see what happens!

Looks good, and it is indeed in the right order!

Running the script from the console shows the object in the correct order as well.

PSCustomObject Type Adapter

!NOTE! Using this method is only supported in PowerShell version 3.0+

We can also create custom objects using the [PSCustomObject] type adapter.

If you're following along and didn't catch what we have in the variables, check the summary below.

$computerInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem.
$osInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem.
$diskInfo contains information from Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk.

Here's the code:

$ourObject = [PSCustomObject]@{

    ComputerName        = $computerInfo.Name
    OS                  = $osInfo.Caption
    'OS Version'        = $("$($osInfo.Version) Build $($osInfo.BuildNumber)")
    Domain              = $computerInfo.Domain
    Workgroup           = $computerInfo.Workgroup
    DomainJoined        = $computerInfo.PartOfDomain
    Disks               = $diskInfo
    AdminPasswordStatus = $adminPasswordStatus
    ThermalState        = $thermalState


Let's take a look at $ourObject.

Nice! It also kept our order both in the ISE, and the console.

Here are the results from running part12.ps1 in the console:

Same result. Now let's look at how we can use this code to create an array of custom objects.

Creating a Custom Object Array

Why would we want to do such a thing?

Let's look at the following scenario:

You have a list of computers that you need to get information from. You want to capture any error messages that may come up. You also would like to capture what the computer name in the file was (which we will as ComputerInput), as well as the computer name returned when querying for information. We'll also want to gather the operating system and disk information.

To do this, we can use a ForEach loop, which calls a function, and utilize Try/Catch for error handling.

We'll also use a lot of what we learned today about creating custom objects. 


There is some setup to this, which is not included in the code. 

$credential contains a [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] object, which stores the credentials to access my laptop for this example.

$computers contains an array of computer names to look up. For this example, I created a text file, and used Get-Content to import it into the $computers variable.

Looks like there are some potential script breakers in there!

Let's look at the code:

I've commented out the code to go over each and every step along the way. 

function Get-ComputerInformation { #Begin function Get-ComputerInformation
    param (
            Mandatory = $true

    Try { #Begin Try
        #Using Write-Host as Verbose is too chatty with the other commands
        Write-Host `n"Looking up information for: [$computerName]"`n

        #Null out variables used in the function
        #This isn't needed, but I like to declare variables up top
        $adminPasswordStatus = $null
        $thermalState        = $null
        $cimSession          = $null
        $computerObject      = $null
        $errorMessage        = $null

        #Except this guy, he gets a value that we'll use when errors are encountered
        $unableMsg           = 'Unable to determine'

        #Switch out the incoming $computerName
        #If it's localhost, we wont need to use our $credential variable when creating our CimSession
        #This creates the $cimSession variable, which encapsulates the object created with New-CimSession pointed at the target $computerName
        Switch ($computerName) {

            'localhost' {$cimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction Stop}

             Default    {$cimSession = New-CimSession -Credential $credential -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction Stop}


        #Gather information using Get-CimInstance, pointed to our $cimSession variable
        #ErrorAction is set to Stop here, so we can catch any errors
        $osInfo       = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -CimSession $cimSession -ErrorAction Stop
        $computerInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem  -CimSession $cimSession -ErrorAction Stop
        $diskInfo     = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk     -CimSession $cimSession -ErrorAction Stop

        #Use a switch to get the text value based on the number in $computerInfo.AdminPasswordStatus
        Switch ($computerInfo.AdminPasswordStatus) {

                  0 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Disabled'}
                  1 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Enabled'}

                  2 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Not Implemented'}

                  3 {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Unknown'}

            Default {$adminPasswordStatus = 'Unable to determine'}


        #Use a switch to get the text value based on the number in $computerInfo.ThermalState
        Switch ($computerInfo.ThermalState) {

                  1 {$thermalState = 'Other'}

                  2 {$thermalState = 'Unknown'}

                  3 {$thermalState = 'Safe'}

                  4 {$thermalState = 'Warning'} 
                  5 {$thermalState = 'Critical'}

                  6 {$thermalState = 'Non-recoverable'}

            Default {$thermalState = 'Unable to determine'}


        #Create the object, cleanly!
        $computerObject = [PSCustomObject]@{

            ComputerInput       = $computerName
            ComputerName        = $computerInfo.Name
            OS                  = $osInfo.Caption
            'OS Version'        = $("$($osInfo.Version) Build $($osInfo.BuildNumber)")
            Domain              = $computerInfo.Domain
            Workgroup           = $computerInfo.Workgroup
            DomainJoined        = $computerInfo.PartOfDomain
            Disks               = $diskInfo
            AdminPasswordStatus = $adminPasswordStatus
            ThermalState        = $thermalState
            Error               = $false
            ErrorMessage        = $null


        #Close the CimSession
        Remove-CimSession -CimSession $cimSession -ErrorAction Stop

        #Return the object created
        Return $computerObject
    } #End Try

    Catch { #Begin Catch

        #Capture the exception message in the $errorMessage variable
        $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message    
        #Create our custom object with the error message     
        $computerObject = [PSCustomObject]@{

            ComputerInput       = $computerName
            ComputerName        = $unableMsg
            OS                  = $unableMsg
            'OS Version'        = $unableMsg
            Domain              = $unableMsg
            Workgroup           = $unableMsg
            DomainJoined        = $unableMsg
            Disks               = $unableMsg
            AdminPasswordStatus = $unableMsg
            ThermalState        = $unableMsg
            Error               = $true
            ErrorMessage        = $errorMessage

        #Keeping Write-Host here for the colors! Hate all you want ;)
        Write-Host `n"Error encountered [$errorMessage]!"`n -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor DarkBlue

        #Return the object created
        Return $computerObject 
        #Stop processing commands

    } #End Catch

} #End function Get-ComputerInformation

#Create the array we'll add the objects to
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$computerArray = @()

#Iterate through each computer in $computers with a ForEach loop
ForEach($computer in $computers) {

    #Use the Add method of the ArrayList to add the returned object from the Get-ComputerInformation function 
    #Piping this to Out-Null is important to suppress the result output from adding the object to the array
    $computerArray.Add((Get-ComputerInformation -computerName $computer)) | Out-Null


#Display the contents of the array.

Let's fire up the console, run the script, and take a look at the results!

It looks like the returned object is indeed an array of objects we've created in the function.

To do this I created an array before I called the ForEach loop, and then used the Add method to call the function with the current $computerName in the loop. This returns the object as a result, when each loop iteration runs.

We can also create a variable to store the results of the script via:

$computerArray = .\part12.ps1

You can see that using $computerArray[0] returned the first object in the array.

Want to export this to a CSV? Use this command:

$computerArray | Export-CSV .\results.csv -noTypeInformation

Let's open the file, and see if we were successful...

Now we can format it as we see fit!

!Note! Enumerating the disks and exporting them to the CSV is a bit more tricky as it is actually an object within an object.

This is but one of many ways to use objects! Again, there is no one right way. The right way is whatever works for you and your use case! 


  • How could you create a custom object that contains the computer name, along with network adapter, and IP information?

  • What interesting ways could you combine error handling with custom objects?

  • How can we properly export the disk information as well (from the custom object array example)?

I hope you've enjoyed the series so far! As always, leave a comment if you have any feedback or questions!

-Ginger Ninja

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